Working together for an inclusive Europe.
The Society for Education on Contraception and Sexuality runs between June 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023, in partnership with Bucharest City Center for Resources and Educational Assistance and Sex og Politikk, the project ASIGURacCES which aims to improve the lives of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) so that they have an independent and fulfilling life, through protection against abuse, quality school participation as a result of which they strengthen their skills and knowledge, become aware of their rights, they orient themselves professionally and capitalize on their potential, including through participation in tertiary education and integration into the labor market.

The problem addressed:
The problem targeted by the project is the barriers to access to inclusive education of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), the lack of equal treatment compared to other students and the higher risk of being victims of abuse. Children with SEN, including Roma, face negative stereotypes and discriminatory institutional practices in the school environment (eg bullying, marginalization, lack of protection, non-respect of rights), which increase the risk of dropping out of school. The mainstream education system does not have the human resources with know-how regarding the protection and observance of human rights, who have accessed continuous training programs for working with children with SEN or who use assistive materials or teaching and assessment methods adapted to the needs of each student with SEN.
The specific objectives of the project are:
The active involvement of 40 specialists and teachers from all over the country in protecting human rights and promoting equal treatment for 200 children and young people with SEN, in the next 16 months. The 40 specialists and teaching staff develop and practice their skills of working with children with SEN within a national community of practice by participating in a training program, applying the new knowledge acquired in working with 200 children and young people with SEN and sharing their experience with members of the community of practice until the end of the project.
Identification at national level and notification in order to correct the problems related to inclusion, equal treatment and respect for the rights of children and young people with SEN, in the next 16 months, by monitoring the vulnerable points during the schooling of children and young people with SEN and development and promotion in the attention of the decision makers of a policy brief regarding the monitoring of inclusion. The monitoring will be carried out by collecting statistical data and qualitative data and the monitoring policy brief will be developed based on the conclusions of the monitoring report and will ensure the involvement of the stakeholders in monitoring and the sustainability of the monitoring efforts.
Increasing the level of awareness and response of 1000 citizens, in the next 16 months, regarding the needs and difficulties encountered by children and young people with SEN during school. The online awareness campaign aims to improve the understanding of the situation of children and young people with SEN and to develop a positive attitude towards them within the mainstream education system.
In order to achieve the projects objectives, we carry out the following activities:
- conducting a training needs analysis based on 10 interviews with SEN specialists;
- conducting a skills development course regarding protection of and respect for human rights in work witch children with SEN;
- application of a questionnaire, before and after the training, to measure the change in attitude towards respect for human rights;
- inclusive classroom education activities;
- application of a questionnaire to young people with SEN regarding awareness of own rights;
- organising a monthly online event where members of the community of practice share their experiences, best practices, challenges and exchange resources.
The results we want to achieve by carrying out this project:
- 1 report regarding international intervention models and procedures (best practices)
- 10 interviews with persons with SEN or experts
- 1 report regarding changing attitudes to human rights
- 2 online training sessions organised (each session has 20 participants)
- 10 digital learning sessions
- 1 online community of practice established
- 10 online exchange of experience events (approximately 1 per month)
- 42 requests for informations of public interest
- 1 online questionnaire for data collection
- 1 monitoring report
- 1 policy brief regarding monitoring framework
- 1 petition submitted to the Education Ministry
- 2 informative videos with Doodly animation
- 60 posts of messages, photos, information about young people with ESC on social media
- 1 online game promoting respect for the rights of children and young people with CES
- 1 facilitation guide for using the digital classroom/office learning sessions
- 1 awareness campaign
Project implemented by:

Project implemented by The Society for Education on Contraception and Sexuality in partnership with Bucharest City Center for Resources and Educational Assistance and Sex og Politikk and benefits from a 149.800,00 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.
Skills development training for professionals working with children with special educational needs (SEN)
As part of the “ASIGURacCES” project, we run a training program on the protection and respect of human rights in...
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